Stage varicose veins — what is important to know?

To know the stages of varicose veins it is very important that at the right time to start prevention and treatment. Because this may be the first step to keep the health of the veins. Such feeling as fatigue and heaviness in the legs the end of the day, which is familiar to almost everyone, but few are those who related to varicose veins. And in the meantime, then these symptoms may be the disease of the veins.

Immediately note that there are several possibilities of classification of the stages of varicose veins of the legs. We turn to this, which divided the disease in three phases: phase compensation in phase subcompensation and the stage of decompensation of heart. Consider these more closely.

Varicose veins: the first phase of the

The first stage of varicose veins also called phase compensation.

This period can last from a few months to a few years. The thing is that the body provides mechanisms, which will also be involved when the violation of the work of the veins, and compensate for them. That is why it is the first stage of the varicose veins became the name of the "phase compensation". But therein also lies the danger: people may for a long time to ignore the symptoms and watch out for the time when fighting with him would be the most effective.

The stage of subcompensation

This stage of external signs of varicose veins may be absent, but may be expressed in the form of a cardiovascular number of stars - precursors varicose veins. The patient will be disturbed, heaviness in the legs, feeling of fullness, leg swelling late in the afternoon, but they little inconvenience. Usually these symptoms off the fatigue of working late, especially if your profession is related to the long stay on the feet.

If the varicose veins diagnosed in the initial stages, you will be assigned a conservative non-surgical treatment. In particular, implementing a variety of sclerotherapy.

Varicose veins progresses

How to look varicose veins at an early stage about understood: the external characteristics expressed, that the patient pays to focus on your feel. And here the second stage, called the stage of subcompensation, patients are usually reversible by a doctor.

The sub-compensation - stage disease, when the body does not handle entirely all the negative consequences. The patient will just complain about pain or swelling at the end of a complex day, but the experience is continuous discomfort, which prevents to continue the conventional way of life. And it is time to turn to phlebologist just need.

Vienna at this stage become more pronounced and clearly visible. The skin may acquire a darker, cyanotic, tone. This stage of the unpleasant sensations which the patient already mentioned in the initial stages of varicose veins, increase. Swelling, pain, burning sensation, small cramps in the legs is celebrated not only in the evening, but also at night.

This stage is shown in the more serious treatment: laser coagulation, a minimally invasive surgery, it is certainly recommended to wear compression knitwear.

If varicose veins are left untreated...

If patients are not careful in their status and did not go to phlebologist, varicose disease goes to the third, the de-compensation phase.

Decompensation of heart problems - stage disease, where the body ceases to cope with its function due to long-term illness. At this point the adjustment mechanisms and devices no longer work.

Is the de-compensation stage of the varicose veins for blood outflow is deformed veins seriously disturbed. As a result, suffers from catering to the tissues, they accumulate in the liquid, can occur trophic ulcers. Vienna strongly deformed, it is possible serious complications in the form of thrombophlebitis.

Decompensation of heart problems of

This phase is the treatment for varicose veins is necessary to do urgently, conservative methods prove ineffective so patients are indicated for surgery. Otherwise, the disease has begun to endanger life.

Exist in the international classification if they varicose veins, which is different from the above. Experts identify seven stages of the diseases, which are marked with the letter C (in Latin class):

  • Koos0 - phase, when the visible signs of varicose veins lack of
  • C1 - the appearance of vascular asterisks or reticular (small, superficial) veins
  • C2 - become visible subcutaneous veenilaiendidbut the enlarged veins, with a diameter of over 3 mm
  • C3 - stage of the varicose veins, which is characterized by the presence of persistent swelling
  • C4 - appearance changes in your skin or venous ulcer
  • Koos5 - the formation of closed veins and ulcers
  • C6 - the formation of the open veins and ulcers

And remember: no matter what classification, if they varicose veins will implement the doctor, the treatment of the disease most effectively at the beginning.